Thursday, July 28, 2011


John, in a round about way,  has challenged me to stop drinking soda. At first I was like I'm not addicted to soda, I just like it so what's the harm?

But the more I think about it the more I wonder, would it be better if I stopped. If it was better for me than why wouldn't I try it?!
So I'm going to try it. It is going to be my little experiment...I'm even going to weigh myself and see if that changes because of taking out soda.

So I am going to be counting on these .....

As of now I have pretty dry skin, my hands are always dry and I hate it, so we will see if that is going to change during this process.

If anyone wants to join me and share our progress and results let me know!

& now I leave you with a song...this is the song for the day, at least for me.

<3 lisha


Who doesn't love massages, and who would want a free one!!? ....I know I do. Join me in trying to get one clickey click below!

Click>>>>>>>>>Check out this link to enter to win a free massage!!


P.s. I'm going to start trying to post on here more often. I have a lot of inspiration lately and some more time off work :)