Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our view

It is such a nice day out today! 

Check Lists!

Change for the better!....
I noticed a trend in my life, and I want to change it.

Postponing things!

This has been a problem since I got out of High School. I even postpone things that I'd like to do and that are really enjoyable to me. I have finished sending out our wedding invitations and really can't do much to do with the wedding until I get some more money, so I decided today will be the day of doing those things I have been putting off.

Check list:

- Fill out NCE packet and get into envelopes to be sent out tomorrow!

- Make my nephew his shirt/cd that I promised him (this one makes me sad that I put it off at all)

- Buy that dress I want online

- Go through suit case

- Go for a walk with John

There are many things that people put aside for later that, in the long run are the most important.

What do you love to do, but haven't done because you've been too busy?

Send me a comment and let me know. Try doing it, even if it's just a small thing.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

good work outs...

So for the last week I have started to work out...I haven't quite gotten into my perfect routine yet, but I found a video that I really like. It's Jillian Michaels 30 shred. I love Jillian anyways, but after doing this video I love her even more. She pushes you just enough, at least for me...when you start feeling like "alright dude, i'm just going to stop for a second" she lets you know that you only have two more left and then it puts your mind at ease and I was like....oh, okay, I can do two more! The video has 3 stages, you are supposed to do each stage for 10 days. I am still on stage 1, my 3rd day technically because I skipped one day and did tae bo instead and yesterday I spent all day up north trying to figure out my wedding invitation situation so I didn't do anything.
Today I have done the video and am going to go jogging for a little bit to make up for yesterday.

I really do feel the results though and it's not anything too hard where you can't move the next day like when I ran 5 miles randomly.

I want to make up a calendar of what workouts i'll do for that week and change it up a bit because I get bored easily doing the same thing each time.

If anyone knows of any other good videos I should try out let me know!